Feeding Therapy

At Lotus therapy, we have therapists trained to run the sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) approach to feeding program which was developed by Dr Kay Toomey.

SOS Approach

This approach integrates posture, sensory, motor, behavioural/ learning, medical and nutritional considerations to comprehensively evaluate and manage children with feeding and growth difficulties.

About the Program

The program works to identify any nutritional deficits and to develop recommendations as appropriate to each individual child’s growth and needs. The program includes weekly hour sessions with a therapist.

It is strongly recommended for all parents/ caregivers to attend these therapy sessions to ensure your child is receiving the best treatment. Ongoing education will be provided to all adults involved in your child's feeding, so the program can be continued in the home environment.

“Does my child need Feeding Therapy?”

If your child meets any of the following, please consider SOS feeding therapy and get in contact with us soon.

  • Strong preferences regarding liked and disliked foods, including taste, texture and how the food is prepared

    A limited variety of different foods that he/she will eat (often excluding a nutrition and/ or texture category)

    A restricted number of foods he / she will eat

    Avoidance of new foods

    Often refusing to eat the “right” foods or the “right” amounts

    Getting more upset than peers when pressured by parents to eat what is “right”

    Struggling more with parents about food and eating than peers

    Being more likely to be served a special meal by parents.

So if you have a picky eater, wanting to make meal times enjoyable and increase you child's variety of foods eaten, complete our intake form to discuss feeding therapy options.